
Our Simplified tool enables you to evaluate and determine the cost-effective option by entering the fees and exchange rates of your prefered money transfer contenders. Fill out our simplified form(s) below to run a comparison.

Simplified tool



     OPTION 2 

Origin 1:  


     Origin 2:  


Amount 1:  


     Amount 2:  


Destination 1:  


     Destination 2:  


Exchange Rate 1:  

     Exchange Rate 2:  

Transfer Fees 1:  


     Transfer Fees 2:  




Total 1:  


     Total 2:  


Amount to
Receiver 1:  


     Amount to
     Receiver 2:  






[1] For informaton on our comparison methodology(s), visit our Modelling page.

Click on a link to go to your selected money transfer app:

Always confirm the current exchange rate(s) and fee schedule with your selected money transfer app. Our Simplified tool does not consider local charges levied on the recipient in their local currency by their local authorities.


Our money transfer calculators and tools are intended for informational purposes only, for all stakeholders. Our tools and opinions have been developed from our own non professional research, experience and understanding of the international money transfer system. We are not certified or licensed financial advisors or finance professionals in any jurisdiction, and we do not intend to be percieved as such. We are not a money transfer or FOREX company in any jurisdiction. We are an affiliate marketer and aggregator of money transfer data available in the public domain. This website receives some of its funding from third-party advertizing. For further information, please review our disclaimer.

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