Welcome to moneyboys. We provide tools for money transfer customers to evaluate and compare money transfer transactions with the goal of identifying the cost-effective option.
This website is an aggregator of international money transfer information and data that is already available in the public domain.
Our money transfer calculators and tools are intended for informational purposes only, for all stakeholders. Our tools and opinions have been developed from our own non professional research, experience and understanding of the international money transfer system. We are not certified or licensed financial advisors or finance professionals in any jurisdiction, and we do not intend to be percieved as such. We are not a money transfer or FOREX company in any jurisdiction. We are an affiliate marketer and aggregator of money transfer data available in the public domain. This website receives some of its funding from third-party advertizing. For further information, please review our disclaimer.
The opinions, content and results of our calculators and tools on this website are for informational purposes only and must not be construed as authoritative in making money transfer decisions. As with all financial decisions, you must seek advice from duly qualified and legally recognized finance professionals and financial institutions in your jurisdiction.
The accuracy of the exchange rates and fees posted on this website cannot be guaranteed. The exchange rates and transaction fees are subject to change at any time, by the money transfer companies, without prior notification. The money transfer companies often advertise promotional exchange rates and transaction fee discounts. These promotional exchange rates and fees are often subject to terms and conditions, time and calender limits, and often limited to participants of customer loyalty programs and vendors' customer appreciation programs. The exchange rates and transaction fees must always be confirmed directly with the money transfer companies prior to conducting a money transfer transaction. This website is not liable for information on any externally linked web sites.
This website does not conduct money transfer transactions, does not intend to and never will. This website is not licensed or authorized to conduct money transfer business or provide financial advice in any jurisdiction. We are an affiliate marketer and a nonformal researcher and an aggregator of international money transfer information and data that is already available in the public domain. Any solicitation of business or investment opportunities you may receive from any party purporting to be this website or affiliated with this website must be verified with our customer service or helpdesk, otherwise it may be fraudulent in nature. We strongly recommend that any fraudulent solicitations be reported to your local law enforcement. We strongly recommend all users follow and stay up to date on the guidelines to prevent money transfer fraud and becoming victims of wire transfer scams.
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Exchange Rates & Fees Updates
This section is a log of the most recent updates of the foreign exchange rates and fees used in our tools, calculators and algorithms. We gather, glean and collate this data from information put out by the money transfer companies.
App Transfer Item Last Update
Moneygram USA to Vietnam Exchange rate 09:30 EST, 02/27/2025
TapTapSend USA to Ghana Transfer fees 13:30 EST, 02/09/2025